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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q. Let me just, for the record state, is NSA spying today or have you spied on American citizens? A. We do not target US persons anywhere in the world without a specific court warrant. Q. And does the NSA listen to the phone calls of American citizens? A. We do not target or listen to the telephone calls of US persons under that targeting without a specific court warrant.
John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q. Does the NSA read the e-mails of American citizens? A. Same answer, ma'am. Q. Does the NSA read the text messages of American citizens? A. Again, we do not target the content of US person communications without a specific warrant anywhere on the earth.
John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q. Has the NSA ever tracked any political enemies of the administration, whether it is a Republican administration or Democrat administration? Have either of the administrations, you said you are 100% auditable, so you would know the answer to this question. Have you ever tracked the political enemies of an administration? A. In my time at the NSA (1995-present), No ma'am.
John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q Does the government keep video data? Like Mr. Heinz just questioned. Does the government have a data base with video data in it tracking the movements of the American people? A. No, ma'am. Q. I’m sorry, the microphone is on. -- is not on. A. NSA does not hold such data.
John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q. Does the American government have a database that has the GPS location whereabouts of Americans, whether by our cell phones or other tracking device? Is there a known database? A. NSA does not hold such a database.
Randy Forbes
U.S. Representative, R-VA
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Forbes and Inglis Part 1: Chairman: respond to gentleman from VA comment about Mr. Snowden. We’d be happy to have it. John Inglis: We do not have any evidence that Mr. Snowden abused the program as we have defined it today He may have abused his trust in disclosing classified details of the program. Forbes: in all Due respect, and I said I wasn’t going to yell at you, I’ll try not to yell at you, but that is exactly what the American people are really worried about. That someone’s getting data and using it to disclose it in some other situation and
Randy Forbes
U.S. Representative, R-VA
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Forbes and Inglis Part 2: Forbes: and for the life of me, I do don’t understand how you guys parse that issue that’s there. That’s what is infuriating the American people. They’re understanding that if you collect this amount of data, people can get access to it and it can be use it in ways that can to harm them not just the United States of America. And that’s what's concerning them, I think in a lot of areas and I hope we can get a more elaborate response for the record
John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Inglis and Jackson Part 1: Can I just add, the court is also given permission to not just first hop analysis, meaning what numbers are in contact with that selector, but to then from those numbers, go out two or three hops. In many of the cases that Ms. Douglas referenced earlier, was at the second hop, it was at that second connection that something of interest came that then caused federal Bureau of investigation to apply their resources to essentially uncover or add additional information for terrorist activity. Jackson Lee: once you do the query out of the 300, what is the next steps?
John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Inglis and Jackson Part 2: Inglis: So that query when it is returned, it could be a first hop query or a second hop query, or a third hop query, that information is then reviewed by the National Security Agency analyst and a report would be written and disseminated to federal bureau of investigation if we see something that would be of interest to them. In many cases, when a query is performed nothing of consequence turns up. No connections that are untoward turn up.
Jason Chaffetz
U.S. Representative, R-Utah
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Chaffetz and Cole (Inglis) Part 2:Cole: You are standing out in public any number of other people may see you there. Chaffetz: So but If you are standing out in public any number of other people may see you there. Chaffetz: if I were standing on private property -- Cole: this is part of what Jones talks about, the trespass issue. Chaffetz: they ruled 5-0 it was an overstep and an overreach. So Are you collecting that data? Cole: we are not collecting that data. Chaffetz: let me ask the NSA. Is the NSA collecting this data? Inglis: We are not collecting that data under this program. We believe that the authority
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